MICE Orchid Room

Jul 20, 2022News0 comments

Hotel Dana Solo

The modern heritage hotel with classic Javanese traditional vibe for the best choice for your stay.The best places to stay while doing your business, for pleasure, or even when you have a big event to celebrate.

This year PT Hotel Dana Permai is increasingly aggressive in improving services as well as building meeting rooms and renovating rooms. Starting January 2013 the Orchid Room was built for MICE, Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition (MICE) activities with a capacity of 85-100 people, which is targeted for completion in early April 2013.
​Considering Indonesia’s good economic development and impacting the activities of corporate and government agency work meetings like mushrooms that thrive in the rainy season, Hotel Dana Solo is also pro-active in seizing opportunities, one of which is by building and renovating buildings so that they can compete with the rest of the world. new hotels that are growing rapidly in the city of Solo and the choice remains to Hotel Dana Solo (the heritage modern hotel).
To support the new meeting room, room renovations have also been carried out, which has reached 80% of the 48 rooms at the Dana Solo Hotel (the new faces of the renovated rooms such as Bung Karno Family Suite, Deluxe Suite, Junior Suite , Superior Suite and Standard Room)

July 20, 2022

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